A Survey Study of the Syllabuses of English used in Iraq ( 1873 – 2003 A.D.)


Logically , the past is the foundation on which the present is erected. So ,it is useful to know something about the history of the English teaching materials which were used in Iraq in the previous historical eras. This interest came from an article wrote by Al – Hamash on IDELTI Journal (4) in 1975. Al – Hamash mentions that a great deal of dissatisfaction with the result of teaching English in Iraq is attributed to the textbooks used. This article made the researcher curious and eager to know something about the syllabuses used at that time. Therefore , the efforts were made to delve deeply in the history for this purpose. To trace the history of the Iraqi syllabuses from the year 1873 A.D. to 2003 A.D. is something uneasy nowadays due to the present situation engendering from the American occupation ; the situation is insecure which limits the action of any researcher , most of the documents were looted or burned , and the devastation is everywhere in the state institutions. All these have their impression. Private efforts were made to obtain some documents from those who had their primary education in the 1930s and 1940s and from those who have private libraries , but most of the efforts were in vain. So , the lack of documentation in this field constitutes the problem. It is hoped that such a documentary work will be useful to all educationists especially the syllabus – designers , and at the same time it will fill the gap in historical documentation in this field.