Competencies of Employers in Early Intervention Programs for Persons with Special Needs and Their Needs


The study aimed at identifying the competencies of employers in early intervention programs for students with disabilities and their needs. The sample of the study consisted of 145 employers from different fields except the fields of management and medicine who are working in special education centers and institutions in Mecca and Jedah.In order to answer the questions of the study, a survey was developed which consisted of two parts: the first part consisted of competencies and the second part consisted of professional development needs. Validity and reliability tests were conducted on the survey.Results of the study showed the following:-- The sample of the study had and medium competencies on all areas.-- The professional training needs ranged from medium to a lot for all the sample of the study.-- The results also showed no significant differences having competencies due to major of study and experience.--Results whowed significant differences in evaluating the competencies based on major being better for those who have special education major, however no significant differences were found due to experience and degree.

