تأثير تمارين مهارية خاصة لتطوير دقة التهديف من القفز للشباب بكرة السلة


Abstract :The research aims to prepare exercises to develop the scoring accuracy of jumping to develop scoring accuracy among a sample of players Suleikh Club Alsalh reel, and the sample was (12) player Suleikh Club youth aged 15-18 years) and were divided into two groups, a control and experimental rate (6) Players for each group, and the experiment was conducted on Suleikh Sports Club Hall basketball history of 01/15/2015 to 01/03/2015, it has been using the experimental method as it suits the nature of the problem, and after the completion of the experiment were used (spss) to extract statistics research, The research results showed the evolution of the experimental group to the control group tests, a posteriori and in favor of the experimental group, concluded the researcher that the special exercises positive effective on the development of skill scoring of jumping the experimental group accuracy, and the researcher recommends the use of modern exercises in training and concentration to master the player skill of place and the angle of the scoring and move to another place and angle