The conviction of the criminal judge An analytical study in the light of the Bahraini and comparative legislation


ABSTRACT : This research deals with the certainty conviction as means of proof in criminal issues, where the judge has through this principle freely wide and important role and fundamental in assessing the evidence and acceptance.Criminal judge according to the basis of this principle is free in formation of affectiongl conviction of any evidence offered him as long as derived from legitimate procedures.However ,this principle ,and If it authorizes criminal judge wide freedom to search for evidence and appreciation and acceptance ,but it is not absolute freedom ,it is a freedom of unchecked and certain restrictions purpose is to ensure that the exercise of this freedom in its proper context ,and to ensure finding the truth in a criminal case ,without encroachment on the rights and personal freedoms.The research plan included a preliminary study, which included a set of basic inputs in the criminal proof, and the first section delat with the nature of the principle of the certainty conviction, the research found suggestions in the conclusion specific results, including proposals final l research.