قبيلة آل فتله تسميتهم أصولهم استيطانهم رئاستهم حتى عام 1920م


Abstract This research presents a brief study about curia of Al-Fattla which became after that a large reflect among curies of middle Euphrates. The research deals with the natural nation and names for this curia . then the first emigrant from the middle and southern part of Iraq to seek a bout means of living . The first position for this curia in the south of Iraq to the area called "AL – Qaraf in AL-Nassirya after that it emigrated to "AL-Fawar " area in AL-Dywania in that city it found it living . but the conditions of living and the struggle between them played the main role to divide that curia in to three divisions and seek about positions to be more suitable for living and saving . The first division took from "AL Mahanawia" area nation for them . the second part took from "AL Mushkab " area for living in it while the third part found from "AL Hundia" city place for stable and living with some of curia's . The curia of AL fattla came back to the leader ship "Matlab Ibn adluham" he was the first leader for that curia . It stayed among his sons after his death . they were Musa Ibn Ibrahim yakayt Ibn Aboud and Shabeeb Ibn Ibrahim AL Dalyhim . They divided the leader ship in AL Mahanawia , Mushkab and AL Hundia .The leader ship of Fattla AL Mushkab yakayt , Fattla AL Mahanawia was AL Shaik Abd AL Mahdi Ibn Ibrahim while fattla AL Hundia was AL Shaik Chalub Ibn Rady after that his sons till our day .