خطاب المرأة المصرية: التحول من الموروث الثقافي الى النشاط السياسي
Egyptian Women Discourse: Transformation from cultural heritage to Political Activity. Knowing the Egyptian woman's Discourse about her issue, requires that this Discourse be put it in its historical context, in order to Accommodating it limitations, and this was evident through the writings of the most prominent Renaissance thinkers from topics that were causing controversy in intellectual milie ,and It is no longer present today, it's an issue of equality with men in competencies and privileges, the Social and intellectual change for any society would change the fixed view about the emancipation of thought, and prepare the field for accepting and receiving ideas that Eastern societies didn't know. The Arab-Egyptian Renaissance period has witnessed Intellectual interest in her issue And advocating for the improvement of its social and legal status, And interest in matters related to Egyptian women, and in its production of a discourse Distinguish audacity of ideas prevailing in many concepts, including cultural, scientific and social, Breach the familiar horizon to translate it into social reality and to express its point of view, Which contribute to attracting more intellectuals and politicians, pave the way for women to enter political activity.