Effect of hormonal contraceptives on serum ceruloplasmin,copper, and Vit.C levels in Tikrit city


Oral contraceptive steroids are used by an estimated 60 to 70 million women worldwide.
Over the past 20 years there have been both case repofts and clinical studies on
the topic of drug interactions with these agents. The use of oral contraceptives has
been consistently associated with decreased levels of the activity of many enzymeq
and Vitamin C. The main transporler of copper, u2-globulin ceruloplasmin which is a
multifunctional enzyme. The present study was conducted in Family pianning in
Tikrit Teaching Hospital in Tikrit province, Serum ceruloplasmin, copper, vitamin c,
and iron levels were estimated in 40 women who were using oral contraceptives for at
least 1 year and 40 women who were using copper T(lntrauterine contraceptive
device). The mean age of women was (33.08 years).For1y non- contraceptive users
participated in the study as a control group. They were drawn from the same
population and matched for age with the contraceptive-users group. The serum level
of ceruloplasmin (Cp) as antioxidant protein was significantly higher in women were
using oral contraceptive than control group (60+0.16 mg/dl vs. 36.5+0.96 mg/dl,
P<0.05) while the difference between the serum (Cp) in control and women uiing
copper T is statically non significant P<0.05, also mean of serum copper in women
were using contraceptive (18+0.612 pM/L) is significantly higher (P<0.01) than the
mean of control (11.2+0.474 pMiL), while the difference between the serum copper
in control and women r-rsing copper T is statically non significant(p<0.01). On ine
other hand the serum vitamin C values in women using oral contraceptives and copper
T(5.57+0.02 , 6+0.031 pM/L respectively) were significantly lower than conirol
group(10.73+ 0.09 pM/L, P<0.05.