The Integrative Critical Approach;A Critical Integrated Reading of Shawqi‘s play The Law of the Jungle
This study concerns the different critical approaches, historical, psychological, social and textual dimensions. It considers them without extremism to one ideology or one idea. The production of creative art doesn’t stop but that does not demolish the old and do not substitute it. Creators do not relinquish what is between their hands. Critics and thinkers may disagree with one another but they do not leave the essence. The study deals with the structure of Shawqi's The Law of Jungle to reveal the suffering of the writer and his pains because of the duality and social hypocrisy and its psychological impact on the author that consequently affects his work as well. The purpose of this study is to consider the land of literary criticism and draw wide lines for more relations. Thus, identifying the parts inevitably helps to provide a holistic view of crucial points, that’s what this study tries to clarify through applying of the integrative approach to Shawqi's The Law of Jungle.