Comparative Analysis between EWMA, DEWMA and Mixed Tukey EWMA Control Chart
The control chart is a good tool for monitoring. Single and double exponential weighted movingaverage control charts are suitable charts to detect small shifts in the process parameters. Forgood detection, an ability the displaced moving average chart relies depends on the normalityassumption. Occasionally, there is a need to see small trends instead of shifts. A doubleexponentially weighted moving average (DEWMA) control chart extends the EWMA controlchart by performing exponential smoothing twice. In recent years, it has been seen that theDEWMA control chart is more efficient than the EWMA control technique for detecting smallshifts in the process mean. With technological advancement, we improve strategies thatcombine many elements into a single framework. This paper is a development of a previouseffort to build a better charting framework in the form of a mixed Tukey’s control chart.Tukey’s control charts are a good choice for robust process monitoring. According to thecomparison study, the suggested scheme is an effective rival to EWMA. We build improvedprocedures that include several features in a single construction with technological innovation.This paper aims to create a better chart and provide a comparative analysis between EWMA,DEWMA, and mixed Tukey EWMA, to show the best process control chart. We improvestrategies that combine many elements into a single framework. Practically, we haveimplemented the proposed charts for data sets, related to the chemical components of water
Keywords: Control Chart, Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Chart, Double Exponential Weighted Moving Average Control Chart, Tukey’s Control Chart, Average Run Length.Metrics