Study of Transmission Laser Based on Standard Deviation of Intensity in Single-Mode Optical Fiber


The relation between number of turns and variation of bending diameters of single-mode fiber optic with standard deviation of spot laser at distance (247) cm from diode laser has been investigated. The diode laser has been used with wavelength (630-680) nm and maximum power (5) mW. The single-mode fiber optic was turned over cylinders with different diameters (3,5and 10) cm to obtain different bending diameter of fiber. The standard deviation (STD) for each spot laser was calculated from algorithm program. The conclusion that there are three color bands (red, green and blue) contributed in this region. At bending diameter (3) cm, the STD for green color was greater and dominant. In this diameter, we get high coherence for red color so this diameter was the best. Whereas, at (5 and 10) cm bending diameters, the standard deviation for red color was greater and dominant. So, increasing bending diameter of fiber led to increase STD for red color. Also, increasing number of turns led to decrease standard deviation of single-mode fiber for three colors.