The Effect of Heat Treatment onElastic-PlasticBehaviorand Absorbing Energy for L-shaped Mild Steel Under CompressiveAxialLoad-ENG


AbstractThe paper deals with the experimental investigation to crushing collapse behaviour of thin-walled mild steel L-shaped structural under compressive axial load. The aim of this paper is to show that the increase of plastic region will be on the account of elastic region for L-steel plates under compressive axial load by using heat treatment (Tempering). The result has shown a decrease in elastic region withan increase in plastic region during crushing L- steel plates which caused an increase in absorbing energy. Details of the deformation processes were examined by using theoretical, experimental andthree-dimensional finite element models. The effect of heat treatment processes were presented to increase plastic region with absorbing energy during crushing plates, Heat treatment is a very useful process to improve absorbing energy with decreasing size of plates. Static load-deformation curves were compared with those obtained from theoretical model based on perfect plasticity and finite element simulations using nonlinear ANSYS program and obtained by quasi-static tests. Conclusions have been given concerning the agreement between the results of finite element simulations and the static once.Keywords: Heat treatment processes, Axial crushing, ANSYS, L-shape plate, Finiteelement.