Gulf Economist

Published by Basrah University

ISSN: 1817-5880 (Print)

Language: Arabic and English

Subjects: Economics; Planning and surveying; Business and management; Industrial management; Production and engineering management
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Editorial Board


Asst.Prof.Dr.Maryam Khaiallah Klaalaf

Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Assistant Professor
Basrah and Arab Gulf Studies Centre -UNIVERSITY OF BASRAH - IRAQ


Assist . Prof . Basemah Kizar Hassan

Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Assistant Professor
Basrah and Arab Gulf Studies Centre -UNIVERSITY OF BASRAH - IRAQ

Associate Prof. Dr. Himanshu Tiwari

Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
Institute of Technology managrment and Researches Nagpur - India

Associate Prof. Dr. Salami Dada Kareem

Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
Lagos State University – Lagos State Nigeria Nigeria

Associate Prof. Dr. Arqam Abdulrazzaq Miteb Al-Rubai

Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
The Hashemite University Jordon

Abdullah A.ALRubaee

Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
The United Arab Emirates

Abdulhessain AL Ghaalby

Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
University of Kufa - College of Administration and Economics - Department of Economics

Ahmed S. Abdulsahib

Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Assistant Professor
College of Business and Economics / University of Basrah

Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Jabber Salim

Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Assistant Professor
College of Administration and Economics University of Basrah

Rissn Abdul Emam Zeelan

Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Assistant Professor
Basra University - College of Administration and Economics - Department of Statistics

Adnan Farhan Aljawareen

Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
Basra University - College of Administration and Economics - Department of Economics

Prof. Dr. Sami Obied Mohammed

Academic degree: Dr.
Title: Professor
Basra University - College of Administration and Economics - Department of Economics