Found: 26 resources
John Donne and T.S. Eliot: A Study in Parallelism
Journal of Al-Ma'moon College, 2015, Volume , Issue 25, Pages 340-347
Interpretation of the metaphysical dialogues parallel to the world in the Holy Quran )Dialogue between the jinn as a model)
Journal of Imam Al-Kadhum College, 2019, Volume 3, Issue 2, Pages 114-142
A Cognitive Metaphorical Reading of John Donne's “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning”
Journal Human Sciences, 2020, Volume 27, Issue 4, Pages 1244-1254
A Metaphysical Conceit in Emiiy Dickensor's Biographical Poem, "The Chariot"
Adab AL Rafidayn, 1997, Volume 27, Issue 29, Pages 37-43
The effect of logic in proving issues Metaphysical Research presented by researcher
Journal of The Iraqi University, 2024, Volume 67, Issue 1, Pages 377-386
Metaphysical pictorial discourse in graphic design
Al-Academy, 2024, Volume , Issue 112, Pages 157-172
Journal of Kirkuk University Humanity Studies, 2012, Volume 7, Issue 3عدد خاص بمؤتمر كلية التربية, Pages 1-12
أسلوب الحوار في النص الشعري الحديث
Journal of University of Babylon, 2015, Volume 23, Issue 4, Pages 1805-1821
تفسير الألفاظ المشتركة عند الإمام السيوطي في كتابه معترك الأقران في إعجاز القرآن ــ دراسة تفسيرية بلاغية ــ
Journal of University of Babylon, 2017, Volume 25, Issue 2, Pages 622-647
The most prominent wrote Qur'anic miracles in the second half of the twentieth century 1950 2000 AD (Study and counting) )
Journal Of Babylon Center for Humanities Studies, 2017, Volume 7, Issue 2, Pages 47-90