Found: 265 resources
Misan Journal of Academic Studies, 2019, Volume 18, Issue 37, Pages 90-103
The suspense in Surat Al-Kahf
Zanco Journal of Human Sciences, 2021, Volume 25, Issue 4, Pages 63-91
Umm Al-Haytham's Linguistic Narratives in the Book (The Population of Language) - Study and Dictionary –
Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, 2021, Volume 28, Issue عدد 12 جزء2, Pages 224-241
The Stages of Interpretation are Included in the Adage
Zanco Journal of Human Sciences, 2024, Volume 28, Issue SpB, Pages 484-495
The Novel "The Sword and the word" astudy of the Narratire structure
Adab AL Rafidayn, 2012, Volume 42, Issue 62, Pages 129-148
Description in The Stories (Village Talks) by Maroon Abud
Adab AL Rafidayn, 2013, Volume 43, Issue 67, Pages 219-244
A Stylistic Analysis of Bisson’s Bears Discover Fire
Journal of the College of Education for Women, 2014, Volume 25, Issue 4, Pages 1173-1182
Diversity of Temporal Workings in the Narrative of the Feature Film
Al-Academy, 2020, Volume , Issue 98, Pages 149-162
Names of characters in Hurricane and Minaret Novel by Emad Al-Din Khalil An analytical linguistic study
Adab AL Rafidayn, 2020, Volume 50, Issue 82, Pages 25-55
The variation of the rhythm of time in the stories of Yahya al-Tahir Abdullah short"Three Big Trees Producing Orange", "The Tambourine and the Box" Model
Adab AL Rafidayn, 2020, Volume 50, Issue 82, Pages 217-254