the effect of Using Buxton in the achievement of the scientific branch students fourth class and logic Intelligence


The aim of this study is to identify the effect of Using Buxton - logic Intelligence and fourth class in physics find determined by fourth grade students the average of the province of Baghdad for the academic year 2015- 2016 , the four chapters of the first semester of physics textbook for Grade Average Total sample (62) female students in the secondgrade as(31) studentsfor the experimental group and (31) for the control group. the researcher formulated (125) behavioral objectives within the levels (remembering.understanding .application .analysis.) according to blooms classification of the cognitive field . the researcher adopted an achievement test made from (40) items the type the multiple choice. She also prepared test of motivation toward physics logic Intelligence stage made up of (35) andfor the purpose of verifying the equivalence of research groups have been ,( the previous –information , age in monthes , intellingence ,testreflective – logic Intelligence) the use of study f Using Buxton in the achievement of the scientific branch students fourth class and logic Intelligence