تقنية الضوء وأثرها على الفن التشكيلي المعاصر فن الضوء أنموذجاً


The technical power and its impact on contemporary art The light art exampleResearch Summary:Under the technical authority as one of the most important secretions since the modernism and after to post- postmodernism. In addition, the dominance of the image. Successive styles have emerged from the creative art works, pursuing modern developments emanating from it. Electronic and technological techniques are an important part of formations to achieve the aesthetic experiences. The digital worlds Surrounded to get as much of the communication and interaction with the new reality, which holds the same aesthetic concepts, but it celebrates the technical age. On the other hand, it appeared a generation of reception cosmic Finder that approach pursues moment, and the vessels in the artwork, which depends electronic processors, looking for dazzling what is new from the experiences and mechanisms have been employed to complete the picture of audio visual equipment. Relationally based composition with the media and media communication.The paper (The Light technical and its impact on contemporary art, the light art example) includes four chapters. Chapter One states the methodological framework of the research. It displays the research problem, its significance, and the research objectives and determines the important terms of the subject. Chapter Two, which contains the theoretical framework. . In Chapter Three, three samples are analyzed, whereas the results that this paper comes with are set in Chapter Four. According to goals set out in research.