Evaluation of Entamoeba gingivalis and Trichomonas tenax in patients with periodontitis and gingivitis and its correlation with some risk factors


Background: It was shown that two protozoans, Entamoeba gingivalis and Trichomonas tenax may be responsible fororal parasitic infection. This study was designed to detect these parasites in oral cavity of patients with periodontitisand gingivitis with some risk factors and compare it with healthy oral persons.Material and Method: A total of 60 patients with periodontitis and gingivitis and 25 healthy person (control group)enrolled in the present study. Two samples were collected from each patient, dental plaque and saliva samples.These samples were stained with Giemsa stain and examined under light microscope, some factors were taken suchas PH saliva, age, sex, smoking habits, diabetes mellitus, blood pressure, heart disease and any history of antibioticconsumption during the last six months.Results: This result shown Entamoeba gingivalis and Trichomonas tenax in dental plaque samples was higher than insaliva samples in patients with periodontitis (70%, 60%), (33%,20%) respectively. While in gingivitis it was shown thatthese two parasites higher in saliva than the dental plaque (60%,46.6%),(46.6%,30.9%)respectively. these two parasitesare present in healthy individuals less than in patients with periodontitis and gingivitis . The presence of theseprotozoans was related to the type of periodontal disease(p=0.0257),sex(p=0.043),age(p=0.0058),PH ofsaliva(p=0.043) and risk factors (p=0.0168).Conclusion: This study showed Entamoeba gingivalis more common in patients with periodontal disease whereasTrichomonas tenax is that considered a protozoan in oral cavity. There was relationship between the presence ofthese parasites and the type of periodontal disease and the risk factors