New Method to Increase the Ability of the Water for Dissolving Total Salts in Soil by Using the Magnetism


The magnetism applications are increasing day by day. In this research the concepts of magnetism is the base of proposing a new method to find the total dissolved salts in soil. The aim of this proposed magnetism method is to accelerate the required time to determine the total dissolved salts which is expressed by the sample (TDS) ,where the standard test takes 3 to 4 day; this will cause some delay especially if there is no enough time to find the results of test by the standard method. For this, the important of this research is appeared where the proposed procedure takes 1 hr only to prepare the sample before put the sample in the oven for drying. The results of experimental tests for a large number of soil samples shows that approve the efficiency of the proposed method, which confirms the ability of magnet to dismantle salt molecules and release hydrogen ion in water. The proposed procedure needs magnets of capacity equal to 3750 (gauss) to give the desired results.