163/5000 Financial performance evaluation of companies using economic value added and its impact on stock prices (A Case Study in the sample included in the Iraq Stock Exchange) companies


This research aims to study the financial performance evaluation of sharing companies that are listed in the Iraqi stock Exchange through using one of the new measures in evaluation which is called Economic value Added– It also studies the affect of this evaluation on stocks price of these companies . The study has been applied on sample of banks consists of seven banks that are listed in the Iraqi srock Exchange for the period 2006-2010 . A number of statistical measurements have been used , such as Regression, correlation indicator , and for test to test research assumptions . The research has reached a number of conclusions.The most important one is that companies don’t consider Economic value Added indicator in the evaluation, but they depend on the traditional accounting indicators.Ministry of Higher Education A scientific ResearchTechnical Education InstitutionAdministration Technical College of management /BaghdadDepartment of Accounting & Financial techniques" Financial Performance Evaluation of Companies by using Economic Value Added and its impact on stocks price "(An applied study of samples from companies listed in the Iraq stock market )A thesis submitted toThe council of Administrative Technical College / Baghdad as a partial fulfillment of the requirements of getting Diploma degree in Acconting financial techniques