نصوص مسيلمة الكذّاب النثرية "قراءة تفكيكية"


The texts Musaylimah liar prose fertile material for the realization of reading texts according to modern curricula، particularly deconstructive approach that can access multiple spaces، not committed to a particular approach، was reading texts Musaylimah reveal that it has developed in a format that suggests indifference sense، than stylization verbal، and added to the The place contexts are not conducive to the issuance of such texts from the same Musaylimah، as well as the use of the media machine Islamic this kind of speech in its war against the apostates to abortion movement psychologically، and potentially put it to decipher and the people of the hills، nor is it put religious up to a confirmed miracle of Quran Karim While these texts compare verses Behrat in the Holy Book.