Analytical study of the obstacles faced by the trainers of the Premier League clubs for volleyball in Iraq.


research aims to :* Identify the impediments to work in the field of training volleyball clubs in the Premier Iraq under discussion.* Identify the differences in barriers between coaches and their assistants according to the variables of academic achievement and years of experience under discussion.I suppose the researcher the following:* There are obstacles in the field of training volleyball clubs in the Premier Iraq under discussion.* There are differences in the barriers between coaches and their assistants according to the variables of academic achievement and years of experience under discussion. The researcher used the descriptive method (in a manner of field survey) to suit the nature of this research. The research sample consisted of volleyball coaches and their assistants ( 18 ) coaches Registered Union CBI's volleyball season (2015-2016).The researcher concluded the following:1. There were obstacles affecting the work of the coaches and their assistants and vary the proportion of class percentage of these constraints of the disabled for the last and most influential of these obstacles is the lack of playgrounds in the club and conducting competitions and less these constraints impact the small number of rulers.2. Statistically significant differences emerged between the views of coaches and their assistants according to academic achievement variable in the degree of constraint as outperform trained university graduates peers bachelor and diploma holders, according to their point of view.3. significant differences emerged statistically between the views of coaches and their assistants according to years of experience in the degree of constraint and the results indicate that experienced above (10 years) excel on the coaches and their assistants with experience at least (10 years), according to their point of view as these obstacles are not negative to them.The researcher recommended the following:1. The need for attention to sports stadiums worthy of the size of the game of volleyball.2. The clubs departments take into account the activities required for a game of volleyball financial allocations compared to other games.3. create a training cadre of experienced and competent to train mm age groups with everything that is new in the world of training and management.4. The need to involve the coaches and their assistants in the refinement of courses for training experiences with experienced trainers in the game