Knowledge Level Agricultural Users of Spray Irrigation Systems in the Central Area of the Island /Spend Tikrit


Targeted research study aim identify knowledge level of farmers sprinkles irrigation systems spray in Tikrit province, and estimate the knowledge level of farmers users of irrigation systems spray pivotal in the following areas : (initialization of the system up and running, irrigation, fertilization, maintenance of the system ) and find a correlation between the level of knowledge of farmers users systems sprinkler irrigation pivotal factors independent following : (age, , number of years of use of the system, the, owning agricultural equipment , the sources of communication) and to identify the relationship between the level of knowledge and inter factors independent and then selecting the most - mentioned problems and constraints faced by users pivot sprinkler irrigation systems. .Included research community all farmers owners of systems, sprinkler irrigation pivot in the Tikrit district , officially registered in the Division of Agriculture Tikrit 's (630) farms , has been selected a random sample proportionately from each association by 20% the number of respondents who The research sample representing 126 farms .prepared a questionnaire composed two parts ,first part included a number of questions belonging farmers :as (age, , years of use of the system of tenure , numbers owning agricultural equipment , sources of information ) and second Part: four field to measure the level of knowledge of agricultural users, systems, sprinkler irrigation used a number of statistical methods for the analysis of the most important data of the study (range, , mean, the law of Pearson, Spearman law, test t ) The study results showed that the majority of respondents are with the level knowledge middle to low. The results showed a correlation with the number of factors independent ,also study results showed the presence of a number of problems occupied the problem of high fuel prices, ranked first . The researcher concluded that the majority of respondents suffer from a lack of knowledge is evident in all areas covered by the study. Researcher presented a set of recommendations including: conducting similar studies and repeat the study at different periods of the agricultural and activate the media and training activities for users of coaxial systems taking into consideration the findings of the study when preparing such activities.