تأثير التلدين على بعض الخصائص البصرية لأغشية (SnO2:Co) مختلفة السُمك المحضرة بطريقة التحلل الكيميائي الحراري


Thin films of (SnO2:Co) by suitable thickness (3500,5500,6000)Å have been prepared on a borosilicate glass at a temperature of (500 oC) using chemical spray pyrolysis technique and annealing at (550 oC) for two hours. The optical properties of the thin films of the prepared samples are calculated using the transmission and absorption spectra in the wavelength range of (350-900)nm , were found that the absorbance decreases while the transmittance increases after annealing. The optical properties are calculated : reflectance decreases after annealing ,absorption coefficient decreases after annealing ,energy gap increases after annealing . Refractive index , extinction coefficient, real part of dielectric constant , imaginary part of dielectric constant and optical conductivity decreases after annealing.