تأثير فيتامين C على بعض الصفات الفسلجية للكائنات (الدواجن) المعرضة للإجهاد الحراري


A total of 360 . one day old unsexed broiler chicks were divided randomly into 3equal groups , each of 2 replicant and reared for 8 weeks group 1 was reared under an environmental temperature suitable for broiler production. Group 2 and 3 were reared under temperature ranging from 30-36c through out the period of the expeniment . Group 1 and 2 were fed basal diet , while group 3 was fed basal diet supplemented with 300 mg ascorbic acid ( AA/ kg.) In comparison with group 2. Group3 has shown at the end of the experiment a significant increase in body weight and feed intalce equal to 138g and 426 respectively . The percentage of the mortality was decreased (%43) significantly . It was concluded that under high environmental temperature , the addition of vitamin C to broilers ration in creases the body resistance to stress and improves the performance .