The beauty of time equivilanc in the last Quarter og Glorious Quran: A Semantic Study


Abstract:-The opposition or opposition of an expressive style is based on the contradiction between meanings and vocabulary and thoughts and images that are designed with a rhetorical purpose and a style in the expression of meaning, contradiction and contradictions. The Holy Qur'an is the same as the Word of God that has been revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) humanity, in order to lead the people out of the darkness of shirk and ignorance, and guide the light of monotheism and the scope of guidance. And this is the opposite of the most important technical elements. So the earth is in heaven, and the night is in opposition to the day, and this contrast extends to the eye, and drives the mind to the Golan on all sides. And this confrontation during the last quarter of the Holy Qur'an is a prominent feature, and the contrast between the limited time and time, the components of the night and the seasons of the year and weeks, the close and everyday, and the conditional, and the use of time, and some Names that are added to your account. The purpose of this research is to explore the dimensions of time implications for confrontation in the final section of the Holy Qur'an. In this research, we will discuss the subject with descriptive-analytic method. And the most important results of this study were: Continuous Time 16%, Modernization Time 8%, Day 84%, Years 20%, 8% Season, Question Time 12%, Condition 16%, Limited Time 40%, and Permanent Names 24 %, Other times 8%. And in this part of the Holy Quran, the components of the day and of the limited time have an effective function; And the researcher in this article examines the aesthetic presence of these time conflicts, taking into account the abundance of these terms. Keywords: signification, beauty of language, Quran, contrast, time.