Clinical Criteria of male Patient with Infertility ( Comparative Study )


To determine &compare the clinical criteria of male patients with infertility in urban &
rural areas in Ninavah province .From first of Jan. 2002 to end of Dec.2002, 144 male infertile
patients from urban areas compared to 82 infertile male patients from rural areas in Ninavah
province .Full history & physical examination beside semen analysis were arranged to all
patients . 118(81.9%) in urban & 58(70.7%) in rural were with primary infertility ; 26(18%) in
urban & 24(29.3%) in rural were with secondary infertility .27(18.7%) in urban & 10(12.2%) in
rural were with previous related surgical operations. 112(77.7%) patients in urban & 51(62.1%)
patients in rural areas were smokers. 54(37.5%) patients in urban & 30(36%) patients in rural
areas were with varicocele. smoking & varicocele were frequent finding in the medical history
&physical examination with a result comparable to the literatures … Percentage of patients
treated with Antibiotics for urinary & genito urinary tract infection is higher in Urban (25.6%)
as compared to (6.9%) in Rural areas. probably due to higher educational state in urban areas.