التحري عن مستضدات عوامل تكوين المستعمرات الأول والثاني والثالث في المعزولة من الأطفال المصابين بالإسهال Escherichia coliبكتريا


During this study isolation & identification (10) strain of E.coli bacteria from children with diarrhea and studied the ability of these bacteria to produce colonization factor antigen I(CFAI) by used agglutination assay for human blood group (A) in the presence of mannose sugar , the results for this assay found that all strain gave positive result (100%) , and when applied the agglutination assay for human blood group (A) in the presence of tannic acid found that all strain gave positive result (100%) , this indicated that all strains have (CFAII) .After run the agglutination assay for chicken blood in the presence of mannose sugar the result show that about (70%) of E.coli strain have (CFAIII) .The end results show that about (70%) E.coli strains expressed their ability to produced the (CFAI,II&III) where as only (30%) of strain had the ability to produce (CFAI &III)