وصايا الخلفاء في العصر الأموي دراسة في المنظور السياسي والعسكري


AbstractThe Omayyid ascended caliphate after a military political struggle in which they did their efforts. Altough certain people called the year of Mua'iah lb Abi Sufian's ascension of Khalifat the "year of jama'ah" (a signification of the Muslims unity and gathering), most of the political and intellectual trends were not satisfied with that shift the thing that made the Omayyid caliphs struggle for its right and legality of reigning. The Omayyid were concerned with the continuity of caliphate, they renewed the system of inheritancein the Islamic political system.The Omayyid cared for leaving the fruit of their experience, political views, and future insights to the adminstrtive, military, and political reality in an attempt at exploiting their achievements as a warranty for limitating caliphat to the Omayyid family and controlling the state territories. They did so through the caliph's will to his heir in caliphat in which he incorporated the summary of his thoughts, ambitions and future plans. The will became a political custom adopted by caliphs. It is a political programme for the next stage. This study tackles the contents of the most important wills in the Omayyid age focusing on its political perspective via the verified recounts in the heritage sources.