Mythical Features In the presocrat Philosophical thought
This short study attempts reveal the importance of mythical and religious thought in the study of the course of the history of human ,thought which has interested many thinkers and philosophers who had different visions about the very early period of human thought which was represented by mythical thought . This study also attempts determine the nature of the Relation between the early forms of philosophy and myths , and how mythical form of thought paved the way to the rise of philosophy The impact of mythical thought on early period of philosophy could be noticed by the influence of myths on many of presocratic philosophers and who had represented many philosophical school . This in fluence could give aproof that mythical thought is not like many might imagine a superficial and of no value , and it has it onw depth as we can notice it in Homer and Heziod , and other secrt sects like Orphean . This influence had eetended to include many sophisticated philosophical schools like the milesian school , phytha goreans , and the Eleatic school