Assessment of Psychosocial Disturbance of Immigrants in AL-Najaf Refugee camp.


Most of immigrants suffer from severe types of psychological disturbances, such as depression and anxiety as a result of the exposure to markedly stressful life events. The present study was conducted from April 2nd, 2008 through October 2nd, 2008.Objectives: This study aims to assess the psychosocial disturbances of immigrants in AL-Najaf refugee camp.Methodology: A non probability sampling of 100 immigrants who were living in AL-Najaf refugee camp from 2006 – 2008, because of the security situation in Iraq. A questionnaire was constructed to achieve the study objectives; it consists of three major parts with 40 items. These parts are the demographic characteristics, psychological aspects (depression and anxiety), and social aspects. To determine the reliability and the validity of the questionnaire, the pilot study was done and the questionnaire was reviewed by group of experts. Data were collected through interview as a mean of data collection. Data were analyzed through a descriptive statistical analysis (percentage and frequencies) and inferential statistical analysis. Results: The findings of the study indicated that there was a severe psychological distress and poor social aspects among immigrants; In addition, there was a significant relationship between the psychological aspects (depression and anxiety) and social aspects. Moreover, there is a significant relationship between the psychological aspects with age, occupation, and family member. Conclusion: The study concluded that immigrants were inflicted with psychological disturbances at different levels; most of them are at a poor level of social aspects.Recommendations: The study recommends that early attention from social institutions and the Mistry of Health to address immigrants’ to prevent psychological illnesses among immigrants. Also, create a mental health team to continuously visiting the immigrants in the refugee camp to evaluate their psychological health and reinforce their adaptive abilities during the migration period.