مفهوم العلم في الفكر الإسلامي


Puts Koran tidy great for science and reason and thought in Islam in terms of prestige and foremost is the light of science and a decent life for the well-off societies Ataattor only ignorant of science and knowledge. I knew in my research of this science and thought the language and idiomatically and showed the status of science in Islamic thought Fbalalm fear God and are getting it closer and looked forward to the greatness of his creation of the universe Budaiya in the system , accuracy and science come out of the darkness of ignorance the light of science Wen polytheism to monotheism and from slavery to freedom and cited Koranic verses that urges the flag and the honor and prestige of science is the highest honors it oversees science has gained much luck of the world and the status of a large and respect in the hearts of people and high status with Allah .